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Maximizing Hydroponic Growth in Small Spaces:…
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The Journey of Growing for Seed Production
At our core, we believe in the power of sustainability and self-sufficiency, and part of that is growing plants specifically for seed production. Here are some examples from our efforts and the current progress of various plants in our seed production journey.
Our Red Rubin Basil continues to thrive, flowering abundantly and producing a wealth of seeds for harvesting. In the next couple of days, we plan to clip some of the stems and dry them out. Once dried, these seeds will be used to start several new containers. We’re also excited to experiment by mixing these seeds with regular basil varieties to create a vibrant, colorful, and flavorful option for future harvests.
Our lettuce plants have begun bolting, with small flowers starting to appear. These flowers will soon produce seeds, which we will carefully harvest. This process allows us to save seeds for future planting, ensuring a continuous cycle of growth.
We’ve cultivated a couple of dandelion plants that continue to flourish, producing flowers that transform into seed heads, commonly known as blowballs or clocks. These iconic seed heads are both beautiful and functional, providing seeds that contribute to our ongoing efforts.
Our plantain plant has been particularly productive, growing several flower spikes with more on the way. As these spikes mature, they produce seeds in oval, two-celled capsules. A single container of plantain is incredibly efficient, generating a large quantity of seeds over time. These seeds will support our self-sufficiency goals and allow us to share freely with others.
We are also growing cilantro specifically for seed production. These plants will be allowed to mature fully, producing seeds that will be used for our next planting cycle. This approach ensures a sustainable supply for future efforts.
We’re committed to sharing our journey and the knowledge we gain through our "As We Grow" section. Our goal is to inspire and educate others about the possibilities of self-sustained seed production, making it easier for everyone to embrace sustainable practices.
Through these efforts, we aim to foster love, sustainability, and community. We look forward to sharing updates on our progress and lessons learned as we continue to grow together.
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Maximizing Hydroponic Growth in Small Spaces:…
My Personal Journey to Recovery: …