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Maximizing Hydroponic Growth in Small Spaces:…
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Content on this page is purely educational, and not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, recommend, or prevent any condition.
Part of our goal is to become self-sufficient with many of our efforts, reducing costs and helping maintain quality.
Plants have different methods for producing seeds, and learning these methods and what best works for our efforts is always an ongoing education we share.
Narrow and Broad Leaf Plantain grows flower spikes that produce seed pods after fruiting.
When it bolts, Basil produces small flowers that produce seed pods after flowering. These flowers and seed pods continue to grow and no longer grow the large leaves.
These plants have been grown from our seeds from previous plantings. The seeds from this harvest will have been planted from our seeds more than 5 times now.
We stop tracking seeds that have been grown from the seeds produced from our plants producing the next generation of seeds more than 5 times. Our Basil more than 10 times was the first set of seeds produced for this purpose many years ago.
With new plants being grown for the first time from seeds purchased or found in the coming weeks we will be posting from time to time for those wishing to learn a little more about our efforts.
LIFE - Love Is For Everyone
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Maximizing Hydroponic Growth in Small Spaces:…
My Personal Journey to Recovery: …
I have been working on many goals, some of which are for almost 5 years now. Growing plants for seeds I harvested is one of these goals, helping to bring greater self-sufficiency and cost saving to the efforts being worked on. I have various hot peppers, and tomato seeds from previous harvests with many new plants being added in the coming weeks.