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Wild Bergamot can offer several benefits for pets, particularly dogs and cats. Its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and calming properties can be used to support their health, but care should be taken to ensure it is used safely.

Benefits of Wild Bergamot for Pets:

  1. Antimicrobial Support: Wild Bergamot's antimicrobial properties can help treat minor infections, such as skin infections, cuts, and wounds in pets. It can also help reduce the risk of bacterial or fungal infections.

  2. Respiratory Health: Similar to its effects in humans, Wild Bergamot can help alleviate respiratory issues in pets, such as mild colds or congestion. It can be used as an herbal steam or added to a diffuser in a well-ventilated area (with caution, particularly for cats).

  3. Digestive Aid: For pets experiencing digestive issues like gas or mild indigestion, Wild Bergamot can be used to support their digestive health. A mild tea can be made and added to their water or food in small amounts.

  4. Anti-inflammatory and Pain Relief: The anti-inflammatory properties of Wild Bergamot can help soothe sore muscles, joints, and minor skin irritations in pets. It can be applied topically in a diluted form or used in a poultice.

  5. Calming and Anxiety Relief: Wild Bergamot’s mild sedative effects can help calm anxious or stressed pets. It can be used in aromatherapy or added to their environment in a safe manner to promote relaxation.

  6. Natural Insect Repellent: Wild Bergamot can be used as a natural insect repellent for pets, helping to keep fleas, ticks, and other pests away. A diluted spray can be applied to their coat, or the plant can be grown in areas where the pets frequent.

Uses of Wild Bergamot for Pets:

  1. Topical Applications: Dilute Wild Bergamot oil or make a poultice to apply to your pet’s skin for treating wounds, irritations, or insect bites. Ensure the dilution is appropriate, especially for sensitive areas.

  2. Herbal Tea: A mild tea made from Wild Bergamot leaves can be added to your pet’s water or food in small amounts to help with digestion or respiratory issues. Always start with a very diluted solution to see how your pet reacts.

  3. Aromatherapy: For dogs, Wild Bergamot essential oil can be diffused in the home to help with anxiety or respiratory issues. Ensure the space is well-ventilated and the diffusion is limited in time. Cats can be more sensitive to essential oils, so avoid diffusing them around cats unless advised by a veterinarian.

  4. Natural Repellent Spray: Create a diluted spray using Wild Bergamot to help repel insects from your pet’s coat. This can be particularly useful during walks or outdoor activities.

Precautions When Using Wild Bergamot for Pets:

  1. Essential Oils and Cats: Cats are particularly sensitive to essential oils due to their unique liver metabolism. Avoid using Wild Bergamot essential oil around cats unless specifically recommended by a veterinarian. For dogs, always dilute the oil properly before use.

  2. Internal Use: When giving Wild Bergamot internally, start with very small amounts and observe your pet for any adverse reactions. Consult your veterinarian before using Wild Bergamot internally, especially if your pet has underlying health conditions or is on medication.

  3. Topical Use: Always dilute Wild Bergamot before applying it to your pet’s skin. Avoid applying it to sensitive areas like the eyes, nose, and mouth. Perform a patch test to ensure your pet does not have an allergic reaction.

  4. Aromatherapy Safety: When using Wild Bergamot in a diffuser, ensure that your pet can leave the room if they choose. Never force your pet to stay in an area where essential oils are being diffused.


Wild Bergamot can be a valuable natural remedy for pets, offering benefits like antimicrobial support, respiratory health, digestive aid, and anxiety relief. However, it's crucial to use it cautiously, especially around cats and when using essential oils. Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing new herbs or essential oils into your pet’s care routine.

We encourage you to learn more about your and your pet's health and wellness, you can find more with our Research Videos/Websites or seek different sites and share with us so we can do better for our education and health.

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  • I have been looking into making Natural Repellent Sprays not only for myself but also for my dog. With the passing of one of my beloved pets (Anika 16+ Years), was unable to take them for longer walks but now Rocky is going with me for longer walks and into wooded areas.

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