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First Love Rippling Event


On September 15, 2024, I hosted the first Love Rippling event at Memorial Park in Oshawa. Going forward, I will be holding a rally every Sunday at Memorial Park to protest the lack of love and compassion within our community.

Did you know our city has passed a by-law that makes it a crime to offer even a bottle of water to someone in need on any city sidewalk, park, or public space? Violations are punishable by fines.

In my past work, I’ve seen firsthand how something as simple as free hugs and sandwiches can save lives. While I may not be able to hand out food or water right now, I can still spread positive messages in public spaces. I can show that there are people who care. Our community needs to come together to treat everyone with love and compassion. Instead, it seems like our government is more interested in making money for their friends and colleagues than addressing the real problems.

The issues are clear, starting with affordable housing—not what politicians call “affordable,” but housing that is truly affordable for those earning minimum wage. Another key issue is providing effective addiction treatment options. Corruption is tearing our country apart, and with the rising cost of food and housing, these problems are only going to get worse before they improve.12944870472?profile=RESIZE_400x

It’s easy to overlook the poor and marginalized in the face of so much frustration and growing problems. But we must do better. There’s a rising anger directed at these vulnerable groups, and the solution is not mistreatment, but more love and compassion for all.

Actions speak louder than words. Love is about acceptance, truth, and understanding. That’s why I’ll be at Memorial Park every Sunday, standing as a voice of love and compassion. It’s been a while since I last held a “Free Hugs” sign, but I wear T-shirts with “Free Hugs” on the front, and every time, I receive requests for hugs and positive comments.

On the first day of Love Rippling, several people parked their cars just to ask for a hug. I received more hugs and kind words from passersby. Though I was just one person standing there yesterday, I know that in the weeks and months to come, this will grow into something much bigger—more than just one person spreading positivity and offering free hugs.

A beautiful movement has begun. I’m not looking to re-create what we had before the pandemic, when nearly 400 people attended our weekly Sunday rallies for free food, clothing, and necessities. Times have changed, and we need to change with them. I have a plan moving forward, and my goal is simple: to inspire more love and compassion for all.

You can visit the Just Oshawa group for the latest Love Rippling Events in Oshawa.

LIFE – Love Is For Everyone!

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