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12386323465?profile=RESIZE_400x A big part of an individual's well-being is to have adequate supplies for maintaining the basics of life.

After housing adequate food/clothing/necessities need to be maintained for one's health and survival. Along with food insecurities, a lack of hygienic items adds to the burdens individuals and families are having. For those on fixed incomes, the increases in the cost of living are adding more and more to these burdens. More and more are having to make difficult choices, do you pay for rent or utility bills, and rely upon food banks and meal programs with the hope that when you get to the places that provide necessities the items you need are there. More and more are not finding the items needed and going without, which could be causing additional issues in their workplace or social environments. As an example, things like not having deodorant to put on for work can add to anxiety adding to stress and degrading one's mental health. Let's face it, no one likes to have to keep going to support hubs, feeling like a number waiting in line-ups time and time again. 

Needless to say, we could go on and on about these types of things, but we have a plan to help break the cycles that have developed. We can do better for those most in need, we are going to break the cycles 1 person at a time. Working 1 on 1 regularly with an individual, together we can seek basic resources and make them available with reliability for the individual in need. You will find that each section of the collective will help to build the growing resources needed to provide the LIFE Community Partners with their efforts with those most in need. 

You will find each Just Community Network will have posted Articles/Discussions/Events and Fundraising efforts specific to that community. Each will play a vital role in helping to raise awareness for the sections within their community. From posting needed clothing or needed hygiene items, with differing options like how to donate needed items or participate with fundraising products to provide funds for the purchase of needed items.

It really will be a team effort that will make this a growing success, from LIFE Community Partners posting lists of needed items, you as an individual liking/sharing the content being posted, and individuals that can respond to requests posted. Those who step up to assist in the delivery of items and a host of other small activities work together to assist those most in need in our communities.

As you discover more about each section of the collective, we hope that some will like to become more involved, assist in different ways, and join in our efforts to bring more love and compassion to all!

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