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Latest Needs Not Just A Food Program Feb 3-7

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The Not Just A Food Program is a 100% volunteer and donation-driven initiative dedicated to supporting those struggling in Oshawa.

We rely on the generosity of our community to make a difference. Currently, we're in critical need of cheese, butter, and jam to complete our sandwich-making supplies. The need is growing, and your support is more important than ever.

We're incredibly grateful to our partners: Eat Savage, YOLI Deli, and Cobs Bread for their continued contributions, and Front Porch Mentors for providing a space to organize, package, and distribute meals, ensuring everyone has access. Even liking and sharing this post helps spread the word. Together, we can make a real impact!







Donations can be dropped off at :12398941876?profile=RESIZE_180x180

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Thank You For Your Support, please visit these amazing local small businesses helping with the

Not Just A Food Program.