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New Promotions Starting Aug

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We have changed some of the ways we are going to post our Food/Drink Specials and Weekly Events.

We are preparing to launch our first group fundraising event that will start Sept 1st and run for 4 months. Our fundraising platform also has an objective to raise awareness of the amazing group/organization and the benefits they create in Oshawa. 

To help with this we will be posting 7 Food/Drink Specials each day, the 7 venues will be posted from the 7 venues that have arranged for fundraising promotions (posters/flyers) and will also be the first venues listed with the Daily Food/Drink Specials posted. We have other benefits to tell you about but we will be sharing with those that show interest in our fundraising efforts.

This post is being used to help with seeking those 7 venues, starting after the long weekend (Aug 6th) we will be visiting local venues gathering and updating the Food/Drink Specials, and leaving a business card with management. We will also be sending private messages about the offer to participate in the fundraising efforts.

The first 7 Oshawa venues that have committed to this 4-month fundraising promotion. 

This will be a great way for all involved to help make a difference within our community of Oshawa. There are no financial costs for those participating, only a commitment to work together and help create direct benefits for our community of Oshawa.

You can contact John E Walker on Facebook or here on this network or any of the Just Oshawa profiles found on the 9 different social networks to learn more and get involved.

We are also seeking Oshawa-based artists/crafters/jewels who would be interested in joining our fundraising efforts. We purchase the product at wholesale pricing and sell it for fundraising efforts. Book an appointment to learn more and the benefits we are creating in our community of Oshawa.  

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